SIZE MATTERS 27 25*, Eröffnungsausstellung / opening exhibition, 17.12.2014 Foto, 70x100, color (on-site Installation) Foto, 20x30, black/white

"Do you need a reason to fly to Vienna next week? I"ll give you a good one: Sasha Pirker will be opening JUST THE RIGHT SIZE in Witzelsbergergasse on Wednesday the 17th. A passionate lover and obsessive collector of serial and similar matter, the artist leads us into a pastel colored world of soapy products. A fascinating transformation of space, a precise study of time and an epic tale of journeys to known and unknown places. Strange miniatures of luxury unfolded in one of the most private spaces we use, the bathroom. I DID book that flight. Be prepared for irritation, see you there inlimbo." (Johnny Fantastic, Chief Editor, The NY Cheese Magazine)